New Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Grant Program open for applications
28 October 2023
Round 1 of the Queensland Government's new $7.1 million Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Grant (MEEG) Program is open for application. The scheme aims to help the manufacturing sector increase their competitiveness in a low carbon future by:
- increasing energy efficiency measures and technology
- reducing energy usage and costs
- reducing emissions and increased awareness of energy use
Queensland-based manufacturers are encouraged to apply for matched funding grants of $5,000 to $25,000. The applicant guidelines provide the full details including eligibility and assessment criteria.
Submitted applications will be assessed as they are received, and applicants should allow up to 12 weeks from submission for assessment of the application.
Applications close on 30 June 2024 or when all funding for this round is allocated.
For more details email
You can also contact your local manufacturing hub to disucss projects and application eligibility.