Disaster Ready Fund Round 2 open now - Funding for projects which increase resilience & reduce risk
8 February 2024
Australia’s exposure to disaster risk continues to increase as a result of climate change, with new risks emerging at an accelerated pace.
Round Two of the Disaster Ready Fund will deliver up to $200 million of Australian Government funding for disaster risk reduction and resilience initiatives, with funding matched by state, territory and local governments (and other applicants) where possible.
There is no minimum or maximum amount of funding per grant.
Selection Criteria
Projects must be:
- Risk informed - Draw on evidence of disaster risk
- Aligned with plans - Align with existing national, state or local disaster mitigation plans
- Priority targeted - Demonstrate alignment with the Second National Action Plan National Actions
- Diverse and equitable
Who can apply?
Any individual or organisation can develop a DRF proposal, but applicants should contact the lead agency in their state or jurisdiction to discuss the proposal and application process. In Queensland the lead agency is the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA).
Important dates
Applicants should submit their proposals to the QRA (after discussion) by 20 March 2024.
Lead agencies will coordinate and consider proposals and have until 29 April 2024 to submit applications on behalf of their jurisdiction to NEMA (the National Emergency Management Agency), with successful projects to be announced by the Australian Government in the second half of 2024.