Green funding programs

Australian Government Funding

Community Batteries for Household Solar program - funding to provide shared solar energy storage for up to 100,000 households Australia-wide
Hydrogen Headstart - will provide up to $2 billion of revenue support to support large-scale renewable hydrogen production projects
Battery Breakthrough Initiative - will promote the development of battery manufacturing capabilities in Australia
Solar Sunshot - up to $1 billion funding for the Solar Sunshot program, to build Australia’s solar photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing capabilities
Advancing Renewables Program – supports development, demonstration and pre-commercial deployment projects including opportunities to optimise the transition to renewable electricity, commercialise clean hydrogen and support the transition to low emissions metals
National Industrial Transformation Program – supports the reduction of scope 1 and scope 2 emissions at existing or planned industrial facilities across Australia.
Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme – provides benefits for households and small businesses to help with purchase costs of small-scale renewable energy system (solar, wind or hydro) or eligible hot water system
Powering the Regions Fund - Safeguard Transformation Stream – provides up to $50 million to trade-exposed facilities to reduce their emissions and contribute to meeting Australia’s emissions reduction targets
Powering the Regions Fund - Industrial Transformation Stream – This $400 million program will support the reduction of scope 1 and scope 2 emissions at existing industrial facilities in regional Australia
Driving the Nation Program – enables the demonstration and deployment of new zero emissions vehicle technologies
Regional Microgrids Program – supports the development and deployment of microgrid technologies across regional and remote communities in Australia
Energy Efficiency Grants for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises – supports businesses to upgrade or replace inefficient equipment and implement other energy efficiency activities
Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme – provides incentives for emissions reduction activities across the Australian economy
Industry Growth Program and Advisory Service – supports innovative SMEs undertaking commercialisation and/or growth projects within the National Reconstruction Fund priority areas including renewables and low emissions technologies
Product Stewardship for Oil Program – provides financial benefit for businesses that recycle oil or use recycled oil in their operations
Community Energy Upgrades Fund – co-funds energy efficiency and electrification upgrades for local governments to deliver reduced energy bills and emissions from local government owned and/or operated facilities
Household Energy Upgrades Fund – works with lenders to provide discounted finance products to help households upgrade their homes with battery-ready solar PV, modern appliances and other improvement
Carbon Farming Outreach Program – provides up to $17.5 million over 3 years to deliver training and advice to farmers to integrate low emission technologies and practices into their farming operations and land management practices
Disaster Ready Fund – funding for disaster risk reduction and resilience initiatives
Drought Resilience Innovation Grants – supports projects that help Australian farmers adopt innovative approaches and technologies to improve drought resilience

Queensland Government Funding

Queensland Business Energy Savings and Transformation Rebates - provides rebates to eligible Queensland SMEs to install energy-efficient equipment
Low Emissions Investment Partnerships - will support the reduction of emissions from Safeguard Mechanism facilities in the metallurgical coal sector, which has a critical role in producing steel for the renewable technologies to decarbonise the state
Queensland Zero Emission Vehicle Rebate Scheme - provides eligible Queenslanders rebates of up to $6,000 for eligible new Zero Emission Vehicles purchased from 21 April 2023
ReMade in Queensland - supports Queensland manufacturers and recyclers to use recovered, recycled and reprocessed materials in their products
Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Grant Program - provides grants of up to $50,000 for Queensland-based manufacturers to improve energy efficiency measures and technology, reduce energy usage, costs and emissions
Drought Preparedness Grants - assists primary producers to undertake on-farm capital improvements to improve drought preparedness
Sustainability Loan - provides loans for primary producers and commercial fishers to help them improve their productivity and sustainability
Land Restoration Fund - will expand carbon farming in Queensland by supporting land management projects that not only keep carbon in the ground, but also deliver positive impacts or ‘co-benefits’ for our environment and communities

Other Funding

Clean Energy Innovation Fund - a specialist climate tech venture capital investor