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Business Chamber Queensland can help your business achieve its sustainability & ESG goals

7 August 2024

Did you know that Business Chamber Queensland has dedicated Sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) Consultants, ready to support your business?

Business sustainability is increasingly becoming an asset. Implementing sustainable practices sets your business apart from its competition, provides better access to procurement opportunities and helps retain talented employees. While it positions your brand as being socially responsible, it also helps you win work and improves your ability to withstand challenges – while benefiting the community and the environment.

However, businesses can lack the time and resources to effectively plan and implement sustainability and ESG initiatives. Business Chamber Queensland’s Sustainability and ESG Consultants can support your business with:

Procurement needs, to help you win work by addressing the needs of customers who are requiring more sustainable practices from businesses in their supply chains. 

Policy requirements, to support procurement opportunities by demonstrating your business is addressing ESG issues including environmental sustainability, modern slavery, workforce wellbeing and cybersecurity. 

Funding, including access to grants or green finance underpinned by sustainability criteria.

Education, training and workshops, to help develop skills and knowledge around sustainability, carbon accounting, ESG and associated business opportunities.

Stakeholder mapping and engagement, to ensure your sustainability and ESG actions are aligned with the most material issues for your business and its stakeholders, including your customers, investors, employees, and local community. 

ESG Strategy Development, to provide a more mature, structured framework for your business to act on ESG issues, measure its progress and communicate success with stakeholders. 

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out more and discuss how Business Chamber Queensland’s Consultants can help your business thrive.


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